Personalia (Pabo & Social Work)

A study association for everyone studying at the Pabo or Social Work.

Every year we organize various guest lectures. This allows you to expand your knowledge and give your network a boost.

First-year students are kept up to date in the first semester by second-year students through the so-called ‘Buddy Project.’

Every year we organize various pub quizzes and parties at ’t Haerlems Studenten Gildt.

Virplaca (Architecture & Construction Management and Real Estate.)

Virplaca is the study association for students of architecture and construction management!

We owe our name to the Roman goddess of the domestic hearth and harmony. This is also reflected in all our activities and the relationships among the students.

So, Virplaca is an association that stands for mutual connectedness among primarily students, but also teachers. We organize a cozy get-together with a suitable speaker for a guest lecture for our own students every semester.

Annually, we also organize study trips. These trips go to cities where a variety of architecture can be seen. Additionally, we try to organize a ski trip every year!

Lepidoptera (Informatica & Information Technology)

Lepidoptera is the Study Union for all students enrolled in the Informatica and Information Technology courses at Inholland University of Applied Sciences.

We host several annual parties in the Haerlems Student Gildt, which is the student bar in Haarlem.

At the start of every year, a BBQ is host to meet new fellow Lepi’s

In the Lepi WhatsApp groupchat, creative ideas are exchanged and you can get help if you’re stuck with your code. With everyone in the group there’s always someone who can help you out!

Röntgenius (MBRT)

Röntgenius is an association for and by students of the MBRT program and has been in existence for over 30 years!

Every year, we go on a weekend getaway to Center Parcs with 95 MBRT students from different years.

For students in their second year, there is a trip to the dissection room at the LUMC, where you receive a brief anatomy lesson and can view prepared bodies.

We organize various parties at the Haerlems Studenten Gildt every year.

Voluptuaria (Tourism Management)

The study association for everyone studying Tourism Management at Inholland Haarlem.

A Tourism Management student discovered ’t Haerlems Studenten Gildt and all the existing study associations. She was so enthusiastic that Fluppie (Voluptuaria) has existed since April 2016 thanks to her!

Every year we organize various activities, both study-related and social outings. Our most beloved outing is the cocktail workshop.

We have a real mascot, Fred the Flamingo! During our very first introduction week, a pink inflatable flamingo joined us. Because it popped so quickly, it was soon replaced by a blue fabric version.

’t Haerlems Studenten Gildt

’t Haerlems Studenten Gildt is run by students for students!

The Gildt is the place to expand your network. In ’t Gildt, besides older students, students from other programs at Inholland also gather.

Every Thursday, ’t Haerlems Studenten Gildt is open from 4:00 PM to 4:00 AM, and the bar is manned by volunteer students. They ensure that you are provided with a tasty drink and a fun evening.

In ’t Gildt, you can buy 5 tokens for €10. For beer, wine, soft drinks, or a shot, you only need 1 token. For a specialty beer, it’s two tokens, and for a mixed drink or cocktail, it’s only three tokens. Real student prices, indeed.

Almost all Inholland associations come to ’t Gildt, occasionally organizing their own theme parties.

We are always looking for new bar members. Working behind the bar is voluntary, but you can drink all evening at our expense. You don’t need experience; we’ll teach you. Also, you don’t need to be available every Thursday. Together with your bar team, you’ll be behind the bar once every six weeks. This keeps it fun for everyone. Does this sound like something you’d be interested in? Then you can simply sign up at the bar.